Sunday, January 01, 2006

Wrapping Up 2005

Hi there. To wrap up 2005, here are what Gobling have been up to at the moment.
  • A new song, Eyes Of God, is underway. We are working on the arrangement and the lyrics as of now. Gobling has decided to go towards a more spiritual direction with some of the messages touching aspects of Islamic da'wah, and this song should be the entry point. It would be better to work along this line, taking into consideration the background of the current band members. A lot of bands have sung about anger, dissatisfaction, politics, and love according to the secular mould. However, in our opinion, it would be ethically better and morally correct to conform as much as we are capable of (as we are not perfect beings anyways) to what we feel is correct as Muslims. If you had listened to the lyrics to our song Mello from the last EP, you should catch our drift.
  • We are putting on the finishing touches on some singles which we will put out for free on Myspace, i-bands, and Audiostreet.Net. There will be two songs available, from the previous sessions from the old line-up. The songs will be made available for free as Gobling had decided not to make any revenue from these songs. Will let you know once these are uploaded.
  • Gobling is currently experimenting with a number of contributions from interested parties. Now this should be really, really interesting, so keep your eyes and ears open for updates!

Looking back at 2005, Gobling had gone through a lot. Issues had been overcame, decisions had been made, and we are still standing as we are today, thanks to all of you. Sometimes we have to step down one ladder to move up another, and starting back from scratch is actually not as bad as it may sound. Not sure if we should say "Happy New Year".

Let's Get To Work Harder This Coming New Year 2006!


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