Thursday, July 09, 2009

Lotsa Things

Assalamualaikum & Greetings,

Lots of things have happened recently.

1. Got into accident on the way back from Penang gig. Car is out from workshop, still needs some little tweaking to make sure all is in place.

2. Album has been mastered. Now saving $$$ for pressing.

3. Saron Production has been registered with SSM. Now we can do things legally.

4. Application for MACP done, now waiting for their reply on application status.

5. Endorsement deal with C&M Music Centre in its final stage- waiting for stuff to arrive for us to use. Of course we need to promote C&M. Its mutual.

6. Health deteriorates for a number of band members. Now recuperating.

7. Apiz is appointed saron player. Dangerous butt-banging.

8. Lots of new friends and new old friends. Yes, we met Zaiton Sameon too.

Lots of observations and feedbacks from people and ourselves too which we can take heed (as we are humans with tendency to err)-

1. It is advisable to stay and see as much bands as possible once you paid to watch a gig. Not only you help the bands perform better by supporting them, you also get your monies worth.

2. When you are onstage, please manage your equipment levels and balancing appropriately, with respect to venue size and equipment offered. Not only you will help the audience hear you better, you also save yourself the possibility of losing hearing due to the loud decibels, and you can play tighter too as you can hear your bandmates play.

See ya.


Zaihas @ Wynken Delirium


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